Monday, August 15, 2011

Racing The Clock

"NO TIME !!!"
At least that's what the wall clock seemed to be yelling out at him !
"Y'know, for once, it'd be nice to get someplace on time, for a change !", EuEarl said exasperatedly, as he set up the ironing board ! Usually Patience itself, at the moment EuEarl was struggling to tamp down his growing agitation ! Their nephew Q-Bubba had given them two tickets he'd gotten to the Allenvale University Theater for the 25th Anniversary screening of AN AMERICAN IN PARIS Thursday night! Georges Guetary himself was scheduled to be there !  In Person !! Now, the only thing EuEarl loved more than his hair or KC was Golden Era Hollywood films !! However, the screening was set to begin at 7:30 that evening & as Fate would have it, they'd gotten off work late.
Typically, their Thursday route, Euwalla- Allenvale-Eustace/Gun Barrel then back, would've been over & done by 5pm ! But, this morning, when they'd arrived at R.Tex Butane, their usual tanker truck wouldn't start & they'd had to sign out a standby & wait for it's tank to be filled. Then, once they were finally on the road, about a mile or so south of Kemp, they discovered that a 5 mile stretch of Hwy175 was shut down to single lanes, both ways !
EuEarl's "G'DAMMIT !!!" could've been heard all the way to Athens !
By the time they'd finally gotten back to the RTex depot, it was a quarter after six !
EuEarl had floor'd the pedal all the way home, practically jumping out of the truck before even shifting it into Park !
 KC couldn't help but be amused ! While EuEarl had sprinted through a shower, shave & brushing  his teeth, ( Even spending less than 5 minutes on his hair !! ) KC himself had done those exact same things over the sink, as he'd done a million times or more back in his rodeo days, and was now spic, span & ready to go ! As he stood watching EuEarl's fevered ironing, KC realized he was hungry ! He walked over to the cupboard.,opened it & took out a couple of plastic zip-top sandwich bags. Then, opening the adjoining cupboard, he filled both bags from the box of Sugar Crispies cereal there. They'd make a nice lil quick snack, 'cause, "Ain't gon' be stopping at no Dairy Queen's fer supper beforehand, that's fer sure !" , he thought to himself . For while it would only take them 15 minutes to drive over to Allenvale U., especially if EuEarl drove ( It wasn't even 7pm, yet. ), having also seen how lovingly sweet EuEarl's slacks encased his butt cheeks, KC had divined that they were about to lose at least another 10 minutes !!
"Sometimes, inappropriate fun is the MOST FUN!..."
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