Thursday, April 30, 2009

2. Afterglow

Long before the garter was tossed, the two of 'em had vamoosed that wedding & headed over to the Afterglow, an 8 cabin motel off the Interstate. And for the next 18 hours they just fucked & sucked & fucked & sucked...though there was a 2 hour pause to catch the Mary Tyler Moore Show, Bob Newhart & Carol Burnette !

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1. The Weddin' Meet

They first spied each other at a wedding, though later they'd recall that neither of 'em knew either the bride or groom.

INTRO : KC & EuEarl of Mudflap County USA

MUDFLAP USA is the story of two guys, KC Hollins & Euless Earl Bedfords ( EuEarl for short. )who meet & fall in love in the early part of the '70s ! KC's a former cowboy & rodeo clown in his mid 40's with one very brief marriage in his past. EuEarl, a truckdriver & former military enlistee in his late 30's with no one in his past, he liked to think. This is the story of their romance & eventual life together...